
O’Brien House

OBrien Crest Seperation

Name Idea: In commemoration of Archbishop Eris O’Brien, eminent Australian historian and Archbishop of Canberra-Goulburn, who invited the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart Fathers to establish a school in Canberra in 1962.

°ä´Ç±ô´Ç³Ü°ù²õ:ÌýGold and white – the Papal colours.

House Flag: White to mast with dolphin symbol; gold trailing. Flag is pennant shape.

´¡°ù³¾²õ:ÌýDolphin-symbol of Risen Christ. Ring – Ring of Peter the Fisherman – ring of Episcopal authority.

°ä°ù±ð²õ³Ù:ÌýRecalls the O’Brien family motto. Strong arm above.

²Ñ´Ç³Ù³Ù´Ç:Ìý‘In emblazonment I place my hope.’